Saturday, October 13, 2012
To those of you who are in a "stagnated place" in your life it's time to MOVE! Since yesterday I've heard stagnation in my spirit and I keep hearing it strongly this morning. So many in the body of Christ are no longer FLOWING, MOVING in Him. Whatever it is that's caused a blockage, caused you to cease from movement, from advancing, keeping you locked in a standstill, you must decree LIFE! Please, don't allow stagnation to become your place of habitation, for if you do the things of God, destiny, purpose, visions, dreams perish!
Today I prophesy to your stagnant places and I decree the flow of Zoe', God's Life! I decree you shall no longer move just to be moving but ADVANCEMENT is your inheritance! I decree your steps are ordered by the LORD and every step you make is in the path GOD has already lain for you! I decree every spirit of blockage, hindrance, and back flow that's causing you to lay in a foul and stale place be removed! I pray the freshness of God's Spirit to rest upon you! I prophesy to your desolate place and decree LIFE! I decree to your every void place to be filled with the Holy Spirit! I prophesy to the wasteland parts of you today that a divine move of God will sift your wastelands into wells of living water! FOR OUT OF YOUR BELLY SHALL FLOW RIVERS OF LIVING WATER! I prophesy to the spirit that's in a rut, laying in a tomb of brokenness, bound by the scars of yesterday, imprisoned by pain, stagnant in your marriage, desolate in your love,laying in shame and regret, TODAY YOU SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE!!! With joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation! Drink from The Well! Receive the Living Water! Drink and Live!!! Be Revived! Be Restored! Be Replenished! Be Renewed! In Jesus name! Amen!
Psalm 91
Psalm 91
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.”
I Say, "Yes"
Father, Thank You for allowing us to grace this earth another day. We bless Your name for Your faithfulness. Your compassions fail not, Your mercies are new every morning and Your love is unfailing. O how we honor and adore You. LORD, I sense a divine turn in the atmosphere. As You have shifted things to align with Your divine order, I thank You for the change, the transformation occurring in the lives of Your people. Yet in this place of turning there is more that You're requiring of us. There's a "surrendered yes" that shall burn within our spirits and cause a blaze of unquenchable fire to burn within us! There's a "surrendered yes" that shall cause our spirits to awaken and hearts to respond to Your truth! There's a "surrendered yes" that shall cause us to abandon ourselves in pursuit of You, Our Lord, Our King! There's a "surrendered yes" that shall take us beyond the familiar into new realms and dimensions of Your glory! There's a "surrendered yes" this morning that shall cause us to go into the hedges, highways, and byways and compel others to come to Jesus! There's a " surrendered yes" within us O GOD to obey! There's a "surrendered yes" within that must be birthed into the manifestation of NOW! There's a "surrendered yes" that will push us from our barren places and cause the wellsprings to flow!There's a "surrendered yes" that will take us from our desolate wastelands and dry valleys, pierce the atmosphere and cause the wind , the breath of Your Spirit, to blow, to breathe upon us!!! I say, "YES" LORD! Not just with my lips but with my life! My spirit say's, "YES"! Hear the cries of the "YES"! Hear the cries of the "YES LORD" arising in the earth today! Here the cries of the "SURRENDERED YES" crying out beneath the shadows of despair and the brokenness of heart! Hear our "YES"! Yes Jesus, I'll follow You! Yes Jesus, Have Your way in me! Yes Jesus, I'll go! Yes Jesus, Ill obey! Yes Jesus, I surrender all to You! My yes is Yours! My heart belongs to You! My mind, my soul, my spirit, says, "YES"! I surrender Lord! Jesus!!! I surrender! A surrendered yes...whew...My Lord, I say, Yes...
A Surrendered Yes
Someone needs to know, you're just a "surrendered yes" away from your breakthrough. You've been trying to do it your way. You've been trying to fix it. You've been trying to carry the weight of it. You've been crying and worrying about it...but I see you so clearly in the realm of the Spirit this morning, giving GOD a "surrendered yes." I see you taking your hands off and releasing it unto God.You are a "SURRENDERED YES LORD" from the manifestation of your miracle! It's in your obedience to HIM.Whatever He is speaking to you, TRUST AND OBEY. Your "surrendered yes" is a yes that's broken from it's self. A yes that's no longer yielding to it's own way but a yes that's submitted in complete harmony dancing within the rhythm of God.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Life Goes On
Sometimes when we are facing certain life experiences/difficulties we want to run, curl under the covers, and shut everything in "off" mode. I've been there many times. Matter of fact I have ran, curled under the comfort of my covers, shut myself in off mode and played "peek a boo I see you" with life. While those "peek a boo"moments brought me temporary relief, I soon found out the difficulties still remained and life was still going on.
Whether we're sitting on top of the world or stretched underneath it, standing on mountain tops or drudging in valleys low, going through breakups, makeups, deaths,success, failures, births, pain, joy, experiences happen, its called "LIVING"! You and I were created to LIVE...FOREVER, HERE and ETERNALLY, See LIFE really does go on. Playing "peek a boo I see you" is cute and it affords us temporary relief in the game of "hide and seek" but one day we must come out of hiding and seek life, real life in Christ Jesus.In Him there lies everything we need to live far beyond an existence for He came to give us life and to give us life more abundantly.
Are we really living an abundant life or are we squatting in a land of lack, spiritually? Circumstances happen, situations arise, trials are, but through it all I'm created to LIVE ABUNDANTLY. There's plenty in when life experiences occur, I'm able to reach and pull from my reservoir of the WORD that's hidden in the chambers of my heart and penetrate those "life experiences" with my faith and works. I'm able to look death, sickness, job loss, failures, hurts, mess ups, break ups, the face...face the fear of what is and declare what shall BE.I'm able to go through the process of being hurt but yet refuse to be harmed, I'm able to shut up in "off mode" to regain my composure and gather my strength but refuse to lay trapped under the covers of bitterness, anger and resentment.
I'm so confident in my GOD that I can tell the devil "peek a boo, I see you and what you're doing but NO weapon that is formed against me will prosper"! I'm able to dust myself off from graveyard experiences and RISE again! Jesus has given us the power to do so! If life experiences, relationships,people, opinions, and even you have placed yourself in a tomb, I declare today, "Your tomb place shall become a womb of posture for you to birth the holy things of God and as you do, YOU SHALL ARISE AGAIN and LIVE A LIFE THAT GOES ON!" Peek-A-Boo-I See You!
Whether we're sitting on top of the world or stretched underneath it, standing on mountain tops or drudging in valleys low, going through breakups, makeups, deaths,success, failures, births, pain, joy, experiences happen, its called "LIVING"! You and I were created to LIVE...FOREVER, HERE and ETERNALLY, See LIFE really does go on. Playing "peek a boo I see you" is cute and it affords us temporary relief in the game of "hide and seek" but one day we must come out of hiding and seek life, real life in Christ Jesus.In Him there lies everything we need to live far beyond an existence for He came to give us life and to give us life more abundantly.
Are we really living an abundant life or are we squatting in a land of lack, spiritually? Circumstances happen, situations arise, trials are, but through it all I'm created to LIVE ABUNDANTLY. There's plenty in when life experiences occur, I'm able to reach and pull from my reservoir of the WORD that's hidden in the chambers of my heart and penetrate those "life experiences" with my faith and works. I'm able to look death, sickness, job loss, failures, hurts, mess ups, break ups, the face...face the fear of what is and declare what shall BE.I'm able to go through the process of being hurt but yet refuse to be harmed, I'm able to shut up in "off mode" to regain my composure and gather my strength but refuse to lay trapped under the covers of bitterness, anger and resentment.
I'm so confident in my GOD that I can tell the devil "peek a boo, I see you and what you're doing but NO weapon that is formed against me will prosper"! I'm able to dust myself off from graveyard experiences and RISE again! Jesus has given us the power to do so! If life experiences, relationships,people, opinions, and even you have placed yourself in a tomb, I declare today, "Your tomb place shall become a womb of posture for you to birth the holy things of God and as you do, YOU SHALL ARISE AGAIN and LIVE A LIFE THAT GOES ON!" Peek-A-Boo-I See You!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Treasure In Cracked Clay
Been feeling a little out of sorts lately.
So many responsibilities...
Wife. Mom. Daughter. Friend. Photographer. Event Designer.Author. Business Owner. Minister...
I love everything that I do.
I love who I'm destined to be.
Yet sometimes under the pressure of the weight I find myself cracked in areas and laying helplessly broken.
Have you ever been there?
Laying in this state can make you feel useless, unappreciated and undeserving .
It can cause you to relinquish your faith and embrace fear and doubt if you allow it to.
Recently, I've discovered that in my brokenness the amazing power and love of God is immeasurable.(My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9).God's love reaches us right where we are, picks us up from beds of decay and breathes life inside of us, even though we're cracked. I'm a cracked clay vessel being loved by my Sovereign God and wholeness belongs to me even though I'm flawed and cracked. Please, don't ever think that your imperfections, flaws, and cracks are to much for God. I assure you they're not! In my broken places, bleeding and wounded by self inflicted wounds,the abrasions of others and the process of living, GOD'S grace IS sufficient.
He taking my cracked self, releasing the breath of His Spirit inside of who I am in Christ Jesus, and causing a stirring to take place that's shifting me from a dead place to an awakening position. In this place, I finally realize, the treasure isn't on the outside it resonates within. With all of my cracks, spits, tears and rip, God loves me and He will use me for His glory. Hmmm...I remember growing up that our FINE CHINA only got taken out and used a few times a year for fear of breaking BUT the CHIPPED,CRACKED CLAY was used on a daily basis...
Oftentimes we judge the outer wrappings and not the inside content and if it's not "suitable" to us, we discard it.
Don't discard WHO you are because of WHAT you've been through!
Chipped, Cracked, Broken and Flawed....GOD LOVES YOU AND HE HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE!
My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness...
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us-2 Corinthians 4:7
Arise jars of clay and LIVE!
So many responsibilities...
Wife. Mom. Daughter. Friend. Photographer. Event Designer.Author. Business Owner. Minister...
I love everything that I do.
I love who I'm destined to be.
Yet sometimes under the pressure of the weight I find myself cracked in areas and laying helplessly broken.
Have you ever been there?
Laying in this state can make you feel useless, unappreciated and undeserving .
It can cause you to relinquish your faith and embrace fear and doubt if you allow it to.
Recently, I've discovered that in my brokenness the amazing power and love of God is immeasurable.(My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9).God's love reaches us right where we are, picks us up from beds of decay and breathes life inside of us, even though we're cracked. I'm a cracked clay vessel being loved by my Sovereign God and wholeness belongs to me even though I'm flawed and cracked. Please, don't ever think that your imperfections, flaws, and cracks are to much for God. I assure you they're not! In my broken places, bleeding and wounded by self inflicted wounds,the abrasions of others and the process of living, GOD'S grace IS sufficient.
He taking my cracked self, releasing the breath of His Spirit inside of who I am in Christ Jesus, and causing a stirring to take place that's shifting me from a dead place to an awakening position. In this place, I finally realize, the treasure isn't on the outside it resonates within. With all of my cracks, spits, tears and rip, God loves me and He will use me for His glory. Hmmm...I remember growing up that our FINE CHINA only got taken out and used a few times a year for fear of breaking BUT the CHIPPED,CRACKED CLAY was used on a daily basis...
Oftentimes we judge the outer wrappings and not the inside content and if it's not "suitable" to us, we discard it.
Don't discard WHO you are because of WHAT you've been through!
Chipped, Cracked, Broken and Flawed....GOD LOVES YOU AND HE HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE!
My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness...
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us-2 Corinthians 4:7
Arise jars of clay and LIVE!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Birthing Me
The strength to stand admist the throngs of pain is growth of identity
Yet to be inflicted, causes us to sharpen our focus as we become one with God.
Failing to realize that the death of me is the rebirth of me, I yield it all to Thee.
For I'm forever encircled in a land mine of enemies ,not foreign but allies it seems.
I'm awaiting, not the ambush, but friendly fire to explode with bombs of cruelty
And like a moth to a flame of flickering light, I'll dance in fluttering harmony
To the rhymthic sounds of my own heartbeat ,I'll sway with the pulse of death.
Awaiting for love to strike it's blow ,to kill with a kiss of hpocrisy of cares
I'll move beyond the fire of pain ,casscading on the wings of peace. Shouting ever so triumphantly,"O death where is thy sting"!
To love me is to hate me,to know me is to reject me, on this journey to be
Yet in my place of becoming, I'm dying in the process of being free.
Travailing and moaning in this labor room of pain with no intimacy of privacy
The world is watching awaiting to see this birth ,frozen, cuddled in time
I'm breathing, pushing, laboring seeing the devours surrounding me.
Sweating profusely, scared yet calm, wrapped in the breath of Holiness
I'm not alone, they are here peering over heaven's balcony
Applauding with a thunderous sound of life, I'm strengthed in being.
Contractions give way to a final thrust and through the searing pain I see
A glimpse of what they tried to kill...the birth of me
O death where is thy sting?
I've come to the end tiime of myself but to the birth of me.
©Christie Ward-Williams
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Church Lady
Church Lady sittin on padded pews
Dressed to the nines in Jimmy Choo shoes
With a smile on her face
She slides in her place
She has a role to fill...Church Lady.
Church Lady struttin with a fan in her hand
Sideways glancin watchin the members with her man
With sadness in her eyes
She laughs instead of cries
She has a role to fill...Church Lady.
Church Lady noddin her head on que
Pastor hit her last night she knows what to do
Close her eyes and say Amen
Rock back n forth and clap those hands
She has a role to fill...Church Lady.
Church Lady touched by the Spirit of God
Jump, dance and shout but hold the facade
Run to the altar break down and cry
Straightens her back and wipes her eyes
She has a role to fill...Church Lady.
Church Lady crippled by the power of pain
Low self-esteem and shame her new name
Freedom right there and deliverance near
She sits in silence coward in fear
She has a role to fill...Church Lady.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Church Lady about to crumble and fall
All the deacon wives, church folk and kin
Prop Church Lady back up again
She has a role to fill...Church Lady.
Church Lady is me and could be you
If it is, now what you gonna do
Sit right there in the middle of shame
Falling stalling playing the church game
Stand up Woman and cut the root
Abuse comes dressed in a 3 piece suit.
You have the power the fortitude of grace
To stand in authority and take your place
Rise Up, Stand Up, Speak Up my friend
Take off the mask and let freedom begin
With determination , courage, and the power of will
Come on Church Lady...You have a role to fill.
Daughters are watchin you, Church Lady.
(C) Cristi Ward Williams
Image: Jamie-McGee
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Bloom Where You're Planted
Imagine with me for a moment... a garden
A beautiful garden filled with exquisite roses, arrayed in a splendor of colors
Their sweet aroma penetrating your deepest senses, encasing you into an abundace of life.
Imagine with me for a moment...the glistening dew drops as the sunlight dances upon
each rose petal causing them to sparkle like diamonds.
Imagine with me for a moment...a rose lying in the soil dirty, tattered and torn
The richness of its color has now faded
The fragrance is faint and the life that was is now a shadow of what was to become.
Aaah...Imagine with me for a moment...YOU.
You and I are one of God's flowers planted here in earth to thrive and to flourish in this world
as we leave the fragrance of Christ in and on the lives that we touch.
Often times, we're like that rose that has wiltered under the pressures of life, beaten down by the torrents of rain which are called evperiences
Trials, pains, loss...causes us to lose our luster to shine and our fragrance becomes stale
We're crushed beneath our burdens until death over shadows us...
Just like a fallen rose, we lie in the dirt of our valleys until a hand reaches down to retrive us
to revive and to restore...picked up by a gardener.
A loving gardener knows each one of his flowers by name
He protects, cares for and nourishes them...and yes, when one is near death, the gardener does everything possible to breathe life back into it again.
Isn't it awesome that God responds the same way!
He is the gardener of our spirits and He loves and knows us by name
He sees you in your garden for it was HIM who planted you there...So whether you're standing tall and shining bright,it's because He's breathing life into you
Or whether you've fallen in the dirt...WILTERED and WORN, BEATEN and BATTERED, TATTERED and TORN...DEATH is only a shadow for THE GARDENER is reach down in the dust, dirt and miry clay of your dispair to rescue you, to BREATHE life into you again.
A whispering touch of BREATH from the Master is all that's needed TO RESTORE, TO REPLENISH, TO REVIVE, TO RENEW you back into your orginal design.
He loves you...You're EXQUISITE to Him
He chose you...He planted you and He placed you in your garden...You're asking, "What's my garden?"
So that other's can see HIS beauty, smell HIS fragrance as they witness HIS handiwork in our lives so much so that they too desire to become A FLOWER IN THE MASTER'S GARDEN that is why, YOU MUST LIVE
A beautiful garden filled with exquisite roses, arrayed in a splendor of colors
Their sweet aroma penetrating your deepest senses, encasing you into an abundace of life.
Imagine with me for a moment...the glistening dew drops as the sunlight dances upon
each rose petal causing them to sparkle like diamonds.
Imagine with me for a moment...a rose lying in the soil dirty, tattered and torn
The richness of its color has now faded
The fragrance is faint and the life that was is now a shadow of what was to become.
Aaah...Imagine with me for a moment...YOU.
You and I are one of God's flowers planted here in earth to thrive and to flourish in this world
as we leave the fragrance of Christ in and on the lives that we touch.
Often times, we're like that rose that has wiltered under the pressures of life, beaten down by the torrents of rain which are called evperiences
Trials, pains, loss...causes us to lose our luster to shine and our fragrance becomes stale
We're crushed beneath our burdens until death over shadows us...
Just like a fallen rose, we lie in the dirt of our valleys until a hand reaches down to retrive us
to revive and to restore...picked up by a gardener.
A loving gardener knows each one of his flowers by name
He protects, cares for and nourishes them...and yes, when one is near death, the gardener does everything possible to breathe life back into it again.
Isn't it awesome that God responds the same way!
He is the gardener of our spirits and He loves and knows us by name
He sees you in your garden for it was HIM who planted you there...So whether you're standing tall and shining bright,it's because He's breathing life into you
Or whether you've fallen in the dirt...WILTERED and WORN, BEATEN and BATTERED, TATTERED and TORN...DEATH is only a shadow for THE GARDENER is reach down in the dust, dirt and miry clay of your dispair to rescue you, to BREATHE life into you again.
A whispering touch of BREATH from the Master is all that's needed TO RESTORE, TO REPLENISH, TO REVIVE, TO RENEW you back into your orginal design.
He loves you...You're EXQUISITE to Him
He chose you...He planted you and He placed you in your garden...You're asking, "What's my garden?"
So that other's can see HIS beauty, smell HIS fragrance as they witness HIS handiwork in our lives so much so that they too desire to become A FLOWER IN THE MASTER'S GARDEN that is why, YOU MUST LIVE
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Pink Pearls of Grace: Determined To Be
Pink Pearls of Grace: Determined To Be: Sitting here listening To the strumming of water Dripping in a flow of harmony As the rhymtic sounds of a steady stream Echoes through ...
Determined To Be
Sitting here listening
To the strumming of water
Dripping in a flow of harmony
As the rhymtic sounds of a steady stream
Echoes through the pipes
I'm determined to be
Tarnished faucets
Have weathered the storms
As the color of rust fades
The lushiness of silver gone, now dull
Yet a reflection appears
I'm determined to be.
Slapped by pain
I'm traumatized by fear
Lying in my shadow of death
The faintest whispher escapes the cracking of lips
Through my unheard voice
I'm determined to be.
Waves of peace
Come carress on me
Like tides of an ocean
Engulf me please and let me arise victorously
In no man's image
I'm determined to be identity!
Determined before time
With purpose of destiny
Propelled to earth to be
From the matrix of God to my mother's womb
Birthed. UMPH! It's time to be Born
And I'm so determined to be.
Yea, determination, hey that's me
The sway of my hips
The tilt of my head
The way my fingertips caresses creativity into my mind
Flowers, pincurls, shaved
Ummm! It's all me...and I'm determined to be.
(c) cristi renea'
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
All Purpose or Self Rising Flour?
Luke 22:31-32 (NKJV)
And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”
I'm in a process...doesn't feel good yet I know it's for my good. I'm in my season of "sifting". Do you remember when our grandmothers would sift flour through strainers or sieves. You now, those devices that were created to separate the fine from the coarse, the lumps from the smooth. I sure remember them, I have a few of them myself. I can remember my grandmother placing the flour in the sieve and shaking it rather hard as the fine flour slipped into a beautiful heap into their destined place. The lumpy flour seemed to be adamant about not going through the process of being sifted. Sometimes my grandmother would take those stubborn lumps of flour, get her rolling pin , and with such force and determination roll over those lumps until they were smooth. I can still remember those smooth lumps as though it was yesterday and although those lumps had an appearance of "smooth" about them, they weren't as "fine" as the sifted flour.
This morning as I prayed and talked to the Lord through the language of my tears, I realized the pain I'm experiencing is coming from the sieve of separation. I'm being sifted and the movements of being shaken is causing friction to form as the lump of my flesh rubs violently against the fineness of my spirit. Wow...God is the potter and we are the clay and He shapes a vessel according to His blueprint and not the plans of man. He's removing the impurities from us, refining us for His glory.Each round of “sifting” reveals the things that must be removed for purpose to rise. Hidden sins, cover up's, wrong mindsets, connections that fit our flesh but not our spirits and so many other things can become lumps to us, in us and through us.Some lumps are hard to see with the naked eye, but it's still a lump and it's still there. All lumps are not huge and notable screaming, "Here I am"! Some lumps are as small as pebbles and pin heads, yet their power to cause you to fall is great. They know how to position themselves inside the cracks of your soul, derailing your rising by causing you to sink inside of yourself.
Even as I'm blogging this morning, I understand it more...the process of sifting is necessary in the making of who we are. It's a form of consecration to manifest the purest parts of us which can only be found in Christ. So anything in us that's contrary to the "fineness" of Christ, has to be sifted to birth His true image as He is being formed in us.Consecration, that constant process of being sifted through prayer, studying His word, fasting and deliverance of the impurities that are hindering the Spirit of God from fully activating in our lives is necessary for purpose.Sifting will add the characteristics of God and mix His Power with our purpose. Sifting makes flour lighter. Air is added as the clumps of flour are broken down. Sifting a human soul adds God’s Spirit to every particle of our being. Our burdens become lighter as our yoke becomes His. Suddenly, success begins to overcome failures. Victory shines in the life of those who submit to the process of consecration and allows God to become a part of every aspect of their life. Finely distributing the qualities and characteristics of Jesus Christ throughout our daily existence empowers us to rise above the chains that bind us to the earth and live as a part of the Kingdom of God. It mixes all of who He is into what He has called us to be illuminating our Promise, binding Him to our Purpose and exposing our great potential. Sifting strains whatever has been submitted to the process. Do not hang on to what you think life was supposed to be like or who you thought you would be. It will not survive the process and the sooner you let it go, the sooner success will be yours. Anything that is sifted is broken…even people. God desires it. (Psalm 34:18) In fact, those who are in the midst of this process are closer to the Lord than one may realize. God is drawn to your insufficiency and weakness. It makes room for His Spirit.
Well, right now in this moment, I choose to surrender to the process of sifting. I yield myself because I know I can rest in this sieve place. Yes, I'm being shaken, Yes, I'm being separated as the wheat is being removed from the chaff, Yes I'm being cut from soul ties and mended with divine connections, Yes it hurts, Yes there are tears as the friction of who I am wars with who I am to be, Yes in all of these things....but somewhere deep inside my spirit I hear a greater Yes in the faintest of voice speak, "Sift me"! Today I encourage you to submit and surrender to your process so that you won't be "self-rising" but "all-purpose" flour.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Silhouettes Of Shadows
Sitting on the steps of pain looking through the windows of rejection, my view is obstructed by the glare of uncertainty masked in the shadows of shame.As the silhouettes of doubts and fears dances on the darkness of my confusion, my heart yearns for the color of light. From the corner of my eyes, a spark flicker arises from the ashes in liturgical praise moving steadily and rapidly to the rhythm of the sound of silence. A quickening stirs in the bowels of my spirit, Shall I hope? A prophetic worship engulfs me, cleansing me from the residue of my past and the steps that led me to pain leads me to truth. The only way. The only truth. The only life. The true source of light covers my shadows and gently reminds me...the silhouettes were only outlines of what appeared to be. I'm free. I'm free. I'm free.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
You, Do you know you?
Do you know you? Do you know who you are? You are more than the outer shell of what we see. You are greater than what you did, doing, done or will do. Do you know you? You are more than your bra size and the shape of your thighs. You are more than your hair and you extend far beyond the labels that you wear. Do you know you?
You are more than the pout of your lips, the swaying of your hips and the way you can stroke your fingertips You are more than lies, opinions and definitions. You are more than boo, girlfriend or wife, mother, friend, more than a means to an end.You are more than breasts, legs and thighs, if that's all he know of you, let him take a KFC ride...yea girl, you are much more than that!
The true you, the essence of who you are goes beyond the surface of your skin, the real you is your spirit.
So instead of worrying and stressing about the shape of your body be more concerned about the structure of your spirit. You are the content of your character and the impulse of your integrity. You are your ambitions, and goals. You are your dreams and visions. You are your thoughts and the words that you say. Do you know you? You are the respect you give yourself and own esteem. You are beautiful, not for the shape of the vessel, but for the volume of the spirit the shape carries, you are you fearfully and wonderfully made!
Honor you, respect you, admire you, esteem you, value you because God purposed you to be...YOU!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Making of a Pearl

As they open themselves to feed or breathe, a particle of a foreign object that is floating in the water becomes ingested by the oyster and lodged inside its shell. The intrusion of this particle irritates and sickens the oyster until it form deposits of layers called nacre to try and regurgitate or push the irritable particle out. With little to no avail, the particle remains logged in between the shell of an oyster and it's flesh mantle. As much as the oyster wants the particle out and for the irritability to cease, the particle struggles to free itself for it know what lies ahead, so it pushes and strains to get out by piercing the outer mantle flesh yet to no avail.
The oyster surrenders to this intrusion, this foreign visitor embedded in it's identity, realizing that the struggle only ends in the moment of surrender. It is in this moment of now the oyster can overcome by birthing what is to be. The particle dies overcome by the strength of the oyster's surrender ,entombing itself within the oyster's shell. The mantle flesh tissue continues to grow until it surrounds it's dead intruder's body providing a sac over it's remains by covering it in it's mantle.
As the mantle lays upon the intruder, that which is dead begins to form into the shape of something else. For it's own protection the oyster produces layers upon layers of nacre, the substance from which it's made, touching and immersing this dead thing by allowing the light of it's being to cover the darkness of death until a pearl is formed.
This process is so rare because many oysters die from the irritants of the intrusion. What about you my friend?
As the trials of intruders penetrate your life causing you much discomfort, what will you do? Will you fight and struggle against the irritants or surrender to the process.
Rape, divorce, life experiences can cause our shells to become hard but you can't allow your circumstance to kill you or your spirit. Whatever you're going through right now, I know it's irritable and causing pain but I encourage you to surrender and allow the tests to crucify your flesh and learn every lesson in the test for it is then that you are able to lay the mantle of your spirit upon your trial intruders and birth pearls out of your pain.Pearls are precious, priceless and pretty and so are you.
"The most beautiful pearl is nothing more, in fact, than the brilliant sarcophagus of a worm.”
You are much more than a worm, you are God's pearl.
Matthew 7:6, Matthew 13:46, Revelation 21:21, etc...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
There's an amazing move of the Lord's Spirit this morning that's causing my flesh to descend as my spirit ascends to the holy hill of His presence. I move by faith one step at at a time drawing closer to an undeniable love that is beckoning me to come. With each step of faith, my heart races ahead of me yearning for the closeness of my Lord. I'm surrounded by the beauty of His holiness, knowing in this place I'm undone yet, there's a sweet surrender of peace as I hear the rhythmic sounds of LOVE'S melody being played on my heart strings in perfect harmony with the Savior. The regulated succession of my strengths and weakness can't hinder or restrict the beat of my movements for I am in completed time with Him. Time is at a mere standstill in this place but is moving rapidly over heaven's balcony, winding itself through corridors of past, present, future and then racing to catch up with now, this place I'm in. Here my soul is quiet and I'm stilled by His presence as I rest in the symmetry of Holiness, alert and aware of the sounds and silences consummating their union giving birth to sweet pattern of time repeatedly creating the rhythm of now.
I cry to Yahweh with my voice,
and He answers me out of His Holy Hill.-Psalm 3:4
Monday, March 5, 2012
A Hidden Pearl
The outer shell of an oyster is undeniably hard and some are extremely sharp but once they are cracked open and laid bare to be exposed , there's a rare and precious treasure that brings nourishment to the soul. Pearls are often found lying encased inside of hard places. The hard places of abortion, low self esteem,sexual abuse, divorce, feelings of unworthiness, abandonment and many other hard places, pearls are lying hidden and covered by the hardness of life, trials and pain. I'm praying that we can break the outer shell of ourselves by knowing who we are in Christ as He allows us and the world to glimpse the treasure of spirit and discover the hidden pearl that lies within us.
The outer shell of an oyster is undeniably hard and some are extremely sharp but once they are cracked open and laid bare to be exposed , there's a rare and precious treasure that brings nourishment to the soul. Pearls are often found lying encased inside of hard places. The hard places of abortion, low self esteem,sexual abuse, divorce, feelings of unworthiness, abandonment and many other hard places, pearls are lying hidden and covered by the hardness of life, trials and pain. I'm praying that we can break the outer shell of ourselves by knowing who we are in Christ as He allows us and the world to glimpse the treasure of spirit and discover the hidden pearl that lies within us.
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